Be it already existing backups or be it pending backups, the task to restore these backups fully or partially would depend on the quality of the backup without a doubt. Further, restoring can be a cumbersome task and can be full of glitches if the method used for execution lacks in any way. Be it data integrity, be it data and device safety, be it speed, or be it the freedom to choose a full restore or a partial restore, only a professional tool will be able to give such choices to a user. Out of the few good professional tools for backup recovery, the best has to be chosen based on factors like ease of execution, accuracy, versatility, value for money, etc.
We will talk about each point in detail which according to the experts are deciding factors for choosing the best backup and restore tool for Mac
- Ease of installation and execution
- Although the starting point of choosing software for most people is safety, ease of use should be an equally important decisive factor. Without this property, software is like a white elephant which looks good but does not add any value. This tool from InventPure is the simplest of all professional backup and restore tools for Mac and excellent in execution of the task.
- Versatility brings about value for money in an unprecedented manner
- This tool is appropriate for Mac OS as well as Windows operating system offering same quality, ease, and value. It is also excellent at backing up and restoring from different email clients such as Thunderbird, Apple, Yahoo, Office 365, Gmail, etc.
- Data compression algorithm
- With periodic full backups for such a large amount of data which is received daily, and with many files being stored for a large amount of time, space is bound to be taken and this has many repercussions. A heavy system slows down; more space has to be bought either as an external drive or on Cloud amounting to increasing costs. With data compression algorithm, system stays light and performance is not affected. Also, the cost of buying additional space comes drastically down.
- Easy search and selection with this restore Mac mail app solution
- A fantastic search option enables users to quickly search for the files by simply typing file attributes. The files can be selected or left out for backup or restore with a filter item feature when a full backup is not needed or necessary.
- Mail conversion
- A different tool is usually bought by most people for the purpose of exporting files by converting them when formats are not compatible. This email conversion can be accomplished by this tool and thus a separate tool is not needed. This cuts the costs as well as makes it easy for users as they are familiar with one tool and can use it for different functions
- Try a full functioning but limited in use demo which is free to experience the finesse of this tool.