06 Dec

There is a difference in the computer configurations and its placements in the offices so that it can perform better. Moreover, small-scale and the enterprise's industries can have differences in the number of equipment placed in the structured format according to the number of employees. You cannot use the tool which doesn’t make the proper suitability with your email clients. There is a need for the application which gives you the various options to handle Backup Email Mac even its amount is in small or massive terms.

To destruct this discrimination, the Inventpure Software Company provides you the Mail Backup X by which you can easily handle office’s works.  It is the tool which has the automatic and powerful features to handle the various resources of the email clients.

 To know more about the tool you have to read out the following versions of it so that you can bring it for the perfect and smooth working schedules in your offices. There are extreme versions of the tool which are listed below-

  • Free Demo version-   The Company give you the best option to install the free demo version of the tool in which you can easily use the various features of the application for the fifteen days agreement. In this version, you can take the free unlimited Backup Mac Mail and limited restoring of the files in automated ways. Free customer care services are also helpful if you have ever got any complexity in the field of data backup process and its difficulties.
  • Licensed versions of the Mail Backup X- the Company gives you the three types of licensed versions in which you can have the various numbers of installation processes and the security threads. Versions have categorized into the following listed series with the one-year maintenance and the latest updates facilities-
  • Mail Backup X- It is the first version of the tool by which you can maintain and organize the two different computers with install option and the protection services. It can give you the five email profile backup, and it's restoring in the 59 USA Dollars.
  • Mail Backup X for the Small-scale and the medium-sized Industries-  In this version you can take the five email profile unlimited  Mac Mail Backup and its restoring by installing the tool into the twenty computers in the 59$ price rates per user. You can also get the updates here for your work issue if any occur.
  • Mail Backup X enterprises version- It is the large version of the application in which you can get the five email profile Mac Mail Backup with restoring option. You can protect a hundred computers by installing the tool in your office’s computers. It is available at the cheapest rates that are 44.99$ per user. Add-on bucks are the best component of the tool by which you can quickly increase the workability into the email clients.    http://www.mailbackupx.com/how-to-scenerios/how-to-backup-apple-mac-mail-mails-on-mac.html
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