Mail Backup X, is the only recommendation of everybody that has used it for their process of email backup.
A tool backed by both professional and beginners users alike, is the best option out in the market for backing up your email data.
The tool is one of the most used Apple Mail Backup tools. Read on to find out how to backup Apple Mail perfectly.
Mail Backup X is an all round email backup tool. It works with almost all the email clients present in the market.
Apple Mail is one such format.
But the tool works with Thunderbird, Rge etc.too without any issues.
The combination of all the generic and some quality rare features, makes tool is a perfect solution for all kinds of users.
Be it for professional or personal use, you may be experienced user or a novice one, the tool makes it easier for all.
Let's start with the interface
Interface of any email backup tool is that can be a deal maker or breaker. When you have no experience with backing up your email data, then an intuitive, intelligent and welcoming interface can be very comforting.
The feeling remains same for the experienced users too. Any easy going tool always makes it easy to go forward with your Apple email backup.
Mail Backup X provides you with a very intuitively and intelligently designed interface that gets the ball rolling.
The tool takes care of the complex stuff involved with email backup, so all you have to deal with is the bare essentials.
For that the tool provides you with graphical interfaces at all steps and ensures that you achieve the desired task. Thus, making it easier for even the first time users.
Smart Compression System
Data in email files can be of overwhelming sizes. Tons of data gets transferred daily so you can imagine the amount of space needed to back all that up.
This can become a problem with increasing data size and limited storage space.
Mail Backup X came up with an effective and efficient solution for this. The tool runs on high quality compression algorithms. These algorithms reduce the size of data involved in the email backup process.
The tool effectively reduces the size of data by 300%. That saves you a huge amount of space. And this compression comes at absolutely no cost. The integrity and quality of data is maintained as it is.
Thus, the intelligent algorithms of the tool allow you to store more data in less space with the same quality maintained.
If you want to try this all yourself, you can download a free trial of the tool that is valid for 15 days. The trial offers all the pro features so that you can have a real experience. Once convinced, move onto the professional version for some exclusive benefits.
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